A radically intersectional & decolonial
Xicana Feminist Publication

Influenced by D.I.Y (do-it-yourself) and punk rock feminism,
Daisy Salinas began Muchacha Fanzine as a feminist punk zine in 2011. Over the years, Muchacha has grown into a larger, submission-based compilation of work by marginalized voices from around the world. Topics covered include art, writing, and political education on indigenous resistance, intersectional feminism, youth liberation, black lives matter, environmental justice, coalition building, body positivity, LGBTQ rights, migration, decolonizing travel, & more.
Daisy Salinas is a San Antonio-based Xicana feminist zinester, punk musician, fest curator, and activist whose work explores themes of feminism, decolonization, and social justice.
In 2011, Daisy founded the radically intersectional decolonial Native Xicana Feminist publication Muchacha Fanzine. Along with zine-making, Daisy’s greatest passion is music. She founded the bands Alien Midwife, Mendiga Desgrasiada, and currently fronts the San Antonio Anti-System Tejana punk act Frijolera Riot.
Muchacha Fanzine displayed at the Brooklyn
Museum’s Frida Kahlo Exhibition
February 8 2019 – May 12 2019
Muchacha Fanzine displayed at
“El Zine: Contemporary Underground Archives”
curated0 by Barbara Calderón of The Latinx Project.

Support Muchacha Fanzine
Producing Muchacha Fanzine takes both intellectual and emotional labor.
If you find value in my work and that of my contributors, I humbly ask that you consider doing the honor of supporting and valuing our voices by becoming a patron. By subscribing, you will directly support the creation of new publications and cover the wages of all contributors of color.